Friday, November 30, 2018


I don't have a lot of pictures from November.  A lot of these pictures were taken by Ceara and I snatched them from her.  

The first ones ar of a baby afghan I made for a new baby cousin - Wesley

Miss Rylee - from Ceara, so I'm not sure where this was taken

This wasn't Universal Yums, but a Japanese treat box I got from Amazon. 

It was interesting, but nowhere near as good as Universal Yums.

Then we did crafts.

Lily made a bed for the kittens

Thea loved it.

And then Bains took over.  

The following pictures were taken by Ceara.  Caption

Obviously these were from October, but showed under November from my phone.  I should probably move them, but... nah.  :)

The kittens, especially Oliver, have some strange sleeping positions!

Conor had his temps, so he drove us to Thanksgiving dinner.  I got to sit in the back seat and relax and watch the scenery. 

Lily hung out on the 4-wheeler while Mimi was loading wood to be taken to the wood pile.

November Universal Yums was from...

The Netherlands! :)

As you can see by the rewards, most were pretty well liked!  We score ours a little different than they intend.  We do each snack as either "Great", "Just OK", "Yuck", and "Weird"

Conor and I went to visit a friend (Christina) and meet her new puppy.  He took right to Conor.

And of course her older dog deserves some attention, too!

Rylee had a Christmas musical at her school

It was on a Friday night, so we all got to go.  She came home with us for our Friday night afterwards.

Right out off the dress, shower, and pajamas as soon as we got home.

These pictures were also taken from Ceara:

Mellow month.  Because... turkey?  

I'm so very thankful for my family.  Kids and Grandkids are wonderful.