Thursday, November 10, 2005

Seeing Red

Well, I finally did it! I dyed my hair red. I think I mentioned in previous posts that I was thinking about it, but I didn't do it until this past weekend! Ceara and I went shopping at Target on Sunday to get some sheets for Conor's new bed, and I passed the hair coloring section and thought - hey, I need that! :) It is, however, only a temporary color. It is supposed to wash out in 8-10 shampoos. So most of you will not get to see me as a red-head!

I have tried to do this one previous time - years ago. That was when my hair was highlighted and was a lot lighter than it is now. When I did it before, the red mixed with the blonde and turned a very unflattering shade of orange. I went through some pretty intense hair treatments with the lady who does my hair - she had to strip my hair, re-color it my natural color, and then re-highlight it to get it back to where it had been before my mis-hap. Since I let all of my highlights grow out, and my hair is (or was before the red) a light brown, the red took pretty well.

Conor was the first to notice it on Monday morning. He smiled and said he liked it. Allie didn't notice until I told her - and then she said she couldn't tell that much. Then my boss (who as you recall in a previous post couldn't tell I got a major hair cut!) noticed as soon as he looked at me when I got to work. Surprising! :) No ex-lax brownies for him this time! (I didn't actually do that last time, just thought about it!)

Jeff had left for work at 1:30 am after I did it, so he did notice in the dark - but it was still alittle wet from my shower, so he didn't get to see the actual color until he came home Tuesday night. He did say he liked it though.

I think it is an obvious change, so I figure the people who haven't said anything are those people who were taught "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything!". I am thinking that they do not like it. But it wouldn't hurt my feelings if they told me that - it is only temporary. Next I might try a dark brown to see how I like that!

1 comment:

The Daily Rant said...

I do temporary color in my hair ALL the time! In fact, I've been thinking about red too since it's almost time for another change.

This summer, I tried to highlight it myself and wound up ORANGE, so I know what you must have gone through. I didn't see my hairstylist though, I just went and got a box of dark brown and went right over it!

My natural hair is brown, but I've always liked to add a little "oomph" to it. I've always been partial to brunette, so I do several different shades of that from caramel to auburn to dark always looks pretty good.

Since I stay in the brown family, most often it's not noticed....but how can you not notice RED?? :)

Are you planning on posting a picture of it? :)