These pictures that I took at the wedding do not do any of it justice. I had a seat way in the back and my camera wasn't focusing very well when I tried to zoom in. They are dark, too, but these are the only ones I have! This is the wedding of my cousin Charlie to Karisa. They are a great couple, they had a beautiful wedding and reception, and I believe they will be very happy together.

See.. blurry. I need a new camera. Or something.

This is Conor at the reception. He had a blast running around and playing with the other little boys there.

Here are all three of the kids - Allie and Ceara are going through a stage where they want to dress alike. So, when we went shopping, they got the same outfit for the wedding. Conor, of course, had to un-tuck his shirt, and has a very mischievous grin on his face in this picture!

Here are Jeff and Conor - they were going to the movies to see Happy Feet (I think!). Jeff is going for a new look - the "Earl look" is what we call it. Have you ever seen the TV show
My Name is Earl? Well, that is Jeff's new favorite show. So he is trying to look like Earl. :) The show is very funny. But I don't like the mustache. I think Jeff looks better with a goatee, but... he wants something different, so.....

Conor dressed as a monkey for Halloween. Of course all the kids got a ton of candy (which I in turn took some to work) and they had fun.

Molly and Gage went with Conor and me just on our road, then we returned to hand out the candy. Above is Gage making a "funny face" and below they are hanging out on the couch.

Molly (my sister for those of you who don't know us) dressed as a Cry Baby for work and left the outfit on for taking the kids around the neighborhood.

And one last look at the monkey face. :)
I never noticed Jeff's moustache! Every time I see him there's hair, no hair, beard, no beard, hat, hat, hat, etc. I can't remember from one time to the next whether I've seen it before or if it's new! Sorry Jeff!
Conor as a monkey is appropriate! Wonder how you got away with not letting him be a tiger, though!!
Wedding looks lovely and the girls look really nice!
more great pics, Katie!
Well, you don't need to apologize to Jeff - he doesn't read my blog! :)
And Conor was happy to be a monkey - he never said a word about being a tiger! lol
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