2 C Sifted Flour
1 Teaspoon salt
3/4 C Shortening (I use Crisco)
5-7 Tablespoons of cold water
Sift the flour into a bowl, add the salt and the shortening. Use a pastry cutter to cut the shortening into the flour. It should look about like this when you are done:
For the filling you will need:
3 Granny Smith sized apples (if they are smaller, use more)
1/2 C Sugar + a little more
1 Tablespoon butter or margarine
1/2 C Sugar + a little more
1 Tablespoon butter or margarine
Cut up about 1 1/2 apples - maybe more, depending on the size of the apple. I used to use Jonathan apples because that is what my Grandma uses, but I can't find them much anymore, so I began using different types. Here I used Granny Smith, so I used a bit more sugar than usual because they are not really sweet apples. Jonathan apples are a bit more sweet, so I would use less sugar for them. This is the first time I have actually measured the sugar, I usually just put whatever looks right to me.
Put the 1 1/2 cut up apples into the crust and take 1/2 TBSP of the butter or margarine, and cut it into 4 parts and place on top of the apples.
See these scraps? Don't throw them away! I'll show you what to do with them in a second.
It will look like this:
Then take your fingers and pinch the edge all the way around so it looks pretty:
Next, poke holes in the crust with a fork so it can release some steam. I think. I really don't know why, that is just how Grandma does it. I have even used a knife before and cut words into the crust. Like "Happy Father's Day" and "Happy Birthday" and things like that.
You will also want to pour a little bit of milk into a glass and stick your fingers into the milk and pat the milk all over the top. It makes it brown nicely.
Now sprinkle some sugar over the top:
Now take some soft butter and spread it all over the dough.
Now take sugar and cover it with sugar, and then sprinkle a bunch of cinnamon on it.
Now, put them onto a baking sheet and put them in the oven with the pie. They don't take as long as the pie to cook, though. I usually leave them in for about 30-35 minutes. While they are cooking, the butter will melt and get all over the sheet and burn. It's really ugly. But that doesn't matter, they still taste good. Trust me.
And put it into a 350 degree (F) oven to bake for 1 hour. No, I don't put anything around the edges to keep the crust from burning. I've never had a problem with that.
OK, now, back to those scraps of dough you cut off the edges.
Form them into a ball and roll them into a rectangular form, like so:
See? Ugly.
But if you pull them off the sheet right away, the bottoms will be safe. See? I've even forgotten about them before and they have burnt. And they are still good! If you don't like the burnt part, you can just cut it off. These little rolls go quickly at my house. The kids come and grab em before they are cool. And they are my mom's favorite. I once made a whole batch of dough into these things for her. And yeah, they are a bit dry, so have some milk or coffee or something with them. Yummm.
These pictures make me so HUNGRY!!
That looks like some might fine pie! Did you save a slice for me?
I thought my Mom was the only one that did that with the leftover "scraps", however, she doesn't cut hers before baking, only after it is done.
i LOVE cinnamon rolls from pie crust. Man, now I'm hungry...
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