Monday, August 18, 2008

Soccer Mom

First thing. I am NOT giving up blogging, I was just taking a break and I thought I would let you know. Now... the post:

I'm a soccer mom again! And no, I'm not the typical mini-van driving soccer mom with the little stickers on the windows with their kids names. Allie used to play soccer, and I loved going out there and watching her play. She quit playing soccer and has moved on to volley ball.

Now Conor is playing. We signed him up for the Candy League (ages 4-5) and in this age group, they put the boys and girls on the same teams. It's more about learning how to work the ball than actual scores anyway. Conor ended up being the ONLY boy on his team. He is surrounded by little girls.

Last week, another boy joined the team so now there are 2 boys. He has practice every Monday and Wednesday and he loves it. I have pictures, but I don't have them on this computer, so I will post them later.

Allie didn't start playing Soccer until she was older than Conor is now, she was never on a co-ed team. So this will be a first for me as well - they don't keep score or anything, so I will have to save my lunatic yelling from the sidelines for when he is older. =\


Anonymous said...

Surrounded by all girls? LUCKY KID!

Anonymous said...

I know, right??

Anonymous said...

He will love it!! By the time he's grown up with 2 sisters and all those soccer girls, he'll surely know a whole lot about women!!

Glad you decided to keep on bloggin'!