A few weeks ago we went out to my aunt and uncle's farm for a birthday party. Seems like every time I go out there, they have done something new to their house or landscaping.
This time, they had remodeled what used to be a screened in porch that they basically used for storing stuff, and the downstairs rooms - living room and front room, kinda a sitting room. The porch is more like a sun room now, all white with wicker furniture. Beautiful.

And they added a door into their living room.

Where they redid everything n wood. Floors, walls, ceiling... everything.

Seems a little empty now, but I hear they are putting in a pool table.
Outside on the deck, John cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob on the grill. The corn came strait from their fields. So. Good. And I forgot to get some for freezing. I'll have to go back soon for that. There was also greenbean and potatoes inside on the stove.

It is so peaceful there.

There is a fire pit to sit around at night.

They have some stadium seats from when they tore down the old stadium where they went every home game to watch the Bengals play for years. They still go, but to the new stadium now.

They moved the trampoline down to the pond so you can jump off and into the pond. They also have a rope to swing out on.

It was Jonathan's birthday, and there was cake and a decorated cookie. The cake was very rich and very good.

The birthday boy was teased endlessly about getting a haircut with all his birthday money.

He also got some underwear that he put on over his shorts to model for us. The catcalls were endless.

After we ate, the kids and Maggie went swimming in the pond. They all took turns on the rope and the trampoline. Conor has always been afraid to jump into dad's pool from the edge, so I wasn't worried about him jumping off the trampoline into the pond.

He got up onto the trampoline and my mom said, "Tell him to get down from there."
"Don't worry, he's not going to jump off of it. He doesn't jump into water, he's too afraid to."
Then I turned back around in time to see him jump in the pond.

The second time he did it I got the picture. Then my camera's battery died and I couldn't get anymore pictures or movies. Guess he's getting brave as he gets older. I don't know if I can stand it.
What a beautiful home! It's wonderful that you can take the kids there for some great fun and make wonderful memories of their childhood years! And for yours too!
love you!
I love all of the wood in the house, reminds me of a log cabin! You have got to tell me what kind of cake that is/was, it looks so good!
Well, I'm not sure what the cake was called... she bought it at a store, and I'm not sure which store either... lol
No help but to tease you with the picture, eh?
I know the picture made me sooo hungry especially for what was in the picture!!! It looked so good, but I bet it tasted better than good :)
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