Well, we had a small family reunion of sorts on Saturday, and I got to get my baby fix! Meet Morgan - a distant cousin - from our Indiana bunch. I was so excited to see a baby when I got there!

She was so fun to play with and watch. She laid on the floor, starting out on a blanket, and rolled around. She's 6 months old, and she will be crawling before her parents know it.

She laid on her belly and would put her arms out and lift her legs. Gage (my nephew) said, "She wants to fly!"

She laughed and watched everything.

And would try again. Over and over she tried to take off.

Then she would get worn out and rest, while sucking on her fingers.

Oh so sweet.

She would stick her little bottom up in the air, and it looked like she might crawl, but then she would give up.

Here is her big sister, Rory. She's the oldest of 3 girls.

And her big sister Isabel. I think that is how you spell it, I didn't ask.

Isabel, Rory, and Conor spent a
large part of the afternoon walking round looking for bugs.

Which would be why she's looking at the ground in these two pictures.

Rory and Conor found a spider after Isabel gave up and went in. Both were afraid to touch it though. I certainly don't blame them! I guess they just wanted to see the bugs. Not actually play with them!

I wasn't the only one who wanted to hold her. Conor is our youngest kid in our Ohio family, so we all were wanting a turn. But I got her more than the others, so ... HA!

I did offer her to my uncle for a little bit. He likes to pretend like he's mean and all macho. But he's a big
softy for kids.

Didn't stop him from complaining a bit when he was holding her.

But when I offered to take her back? He would not let me.
He fed her.
And burped her. And made faces at her. Until she needed changed. Then he handed her over and I got to change her as well.

Then she had to leave to go back to Indiana. Her wrap and hat were so cute as well!

We discussed who should be having a baby in our family since it has been almost 6 years since we had a little baby to pass around at Grandma's on Sunday. Two of my cousins got married within the last 2 years and we are waiting on them. They seem to be taking their sweet time, though.
Gorgeous Kids!!! I am jealous of little Isabel's curls!!
I know, me too! They were all so cute. :)
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