The school year has begun! Well... it began a couple of weeks ago, August 19th to be exact, but I'm always late posting things!
Allie didn't start on the same day because she is going to a different school that started later. I had the week off to prepare for the first day, and boy was it a busy week. I'll maybe get to that later. Conor was excited to go to school, he enjoys seeing his friends and meeting all of his potential girlfriends.

This is at the bus stop with the other little girl in our neighborhood who is in the first grade too. She is having a rough time with it - she doesn't like school. Every morning when she cries that she doesn't want to go, I feel so bad for her parents - that is really hard. I also realize how lucky I am that Conor likes it. :)

I didn't get any pictures of him getting on the bus, I was too preoccupied with saying bye to him!
Once he was on the bus, I went home for a few minutes to give it time to pick up the other kids. I called Barb (Nana) who was going to meet me near the school so she could take some pictures and see his classroom, too.
While waiting for his bus to get to the school, Gage (my nephew) got off the bus and I got a picture of him.

Conor's bus arrived, and I wanted to get a picture of him getting off the bus, but my camera did that "delay" snap, and I managed to get part of him behind a sign. *sigh* He kinda looks like he's tipping over, but I assure you that he did not fall!

I made him stop for a moment so I could take a picture, then I managed to get one with him looking in the other direction! This picture taking thing just wasn't with me that day.

We had visited the school the day before and found out where his classroom was, so we just followed him down the hall.

He went right in and found his seat and sat there. Waiting on things to get started.

He was checking out his desk-mates and waiting for us to leave so he could get to know them. He wasn't the least bit scared for us to leave, he was probably happy to see us go so we would stop taking pictures!

After we left, Barb invited me to breakfast. She treated me to Bob Evans -we got to talk and catch up on things going on with each other. It was nice to sit down and relax for a little bit and not have to run here or there. Or have anyone waiting on me to get home.
I took Teddy with me down to the bus stop to get Conor after school. He is such a gentleman that he let the little girl get off the bus first. Even though I noticed that he sits in the very first seat, he lets her get off before him every day. So sweet. Or maybe he's hoping that she will break his fall if he trips. HA! :)

He had a good first day, and has had several good days since then as well!
She got some better pictures than I did - at least she doesn't have a sign blocking half of him in her "getting off the bus" shot!
Such a little man! I enjoyed watching his confidence as he led us to his classroom, he knew just what to do, where to go and that this "school thing" was right up his alley! He's such a bright little boy and I wish him much success and many good friends along the journey! I love you, Conor!
I enjoyed breakfast with you Katie...let me know when we can go again!!
love you, Barb
The first day is always fun. Stressful, but fun.
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