On his actual birthday, we took him out to eat at the restaurant of his choice - The Golden Corral. Then he got to open one present on his actual birthday - a game which he, Ceara, and I played.
We had his birthday party on Saturday (the 12th). Only one other kid was able to come, but it was Gage and that was enough for him!

It was a day of chaos for me, lots to do - cleaning, cooking, the cake. I had made cupcakes for his school party on Friday and forgot that I had ran out of one of the ingredients for the icing. Jeff had taken Conor to visit Grand dad and I had to wait for him to get home so he could run to the store for me. I was still finishing up the cake when the first guests arrived. They didn't mind, though - they were helping out and eating the icing.

Jeff came up with the idea for a camouflage cake - I was drawing a blank because he wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate icing.

He got a much needed new coat from Nana, which he was planning to buy for himself with his birthday money. Since he got one, he has all this cash burning a hole in his pocket.

He tore through the presents rather quickly.



Gloves and a hat.

More than one hat.

He got coloring books;



A telescope (which I didn't get a picture of).

They a few days later, he got a package in the mail from his Aunt Naomi and Uncle Jerry with lots of cool stuff in it. Clothes, DVD, computer games, Wii Games, hat, gloves, a stuffed tiger, and $7 were all wrapped individually and put into a box. One of the T-shirts she got for him has a tiger on the front and his eyes lit up when he saw it. He loved opening it all.

He had a great birthday! He loved everything he got - even took his Screecher to school for show and tell the following Monday.
Now we (aka I) need to clean out his closet and make room for the new stuff. And Christmas is a little over a week away!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!
Wow K, it just doesn't seem possible Conor is 7!
Funny, coincidentally I just got done cleaning out my girl's room, THREE garbage bags full of trash! YIKES! What a way to spend my vacation....cleaning.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
What a fun birthday party! Your mom and dad sure do make lots of efforts to give you a happy day! Sorry I couldn't be there this time, but I'm glad you like your coat!!
I love you, Nana
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