I posted about Jeff's Birthday, but since he was traveling, I didn't have any pictures. We celebrated when he got home on the 27th - just a small celebration. During the day, we went to get Jeff a new cell phone, which took much longer than we thought it would, so we had a late dinner - home made since Jeff eats out all the time when he's on the road.

I made a chocolate sheet cake, which is his favorite, and we had ice cream as well.

Since, ahem, we didn't have enough candles - I just spelled out his age with the ones we did have.

He is very happy with his new phone - he chose a Blackberry over an iPhone, which is what I would have gotten him had he not gone to pick it out himself.
mmmmmmmmm, chocolate :)
Looks good!
Happy Birthday to my handsome son, sorry I missed it. I love you, Mom
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