Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boys are so different!

Having 2 teenage girls has not prepared me for a little boy.  Tonight we went car shopping and he went with us.  He had opinions about everything, of course.  Pointing out all the cars he liked, and he has expensive taste!  He's certainly not shy either, he talked up the sales guy a lot.  Asking him his favorite drink, show, all kinds of stuff.  Right before we left he told the sales guy, "If you were a kid, you would be a good friend."

I don't think he stopped talking all night.

What I didn't anticipate, and apparently it's a new thing he has picked up from somewhere... Jeff and I were standing outside talking and Conor said, "There's a fart coming... here it comes... (he farted) I didn't even hear it!"  Then he proceeded to fan it towards us. 

I don't remember either of the girls ever did anything similar to that. 


mom.. said...

I agree, boys are a whole different breed.

Barb said...

Uhhm...I had a boy too and I don't ever remember hearing that!