Monday, January 03, 2011

Geek Party

We are gearing up to have a Geek Party this weekend, wherein we invite our kids and one of their friends to try to convert them into the geeks that we know we are... AKA a Lord of the Rings Party.  :)  Conor is already a geek, of course.  We are still working on Alli and Ceara. They have both invited their boyfriends, as Jeff has made attendence mandatory (or guilt tripped them into it).  Either they are sure their boyfriends are already geeks, or they may be using this as a way to scare them off.  Who knows?  It may backfire and they will both become geeks and the girls will have to suffer more LotR - not just as a yearly (or semi-yearly) event. 

Jeff, the die-hard geek that he is, wanted us to have everyone dress as a character from the movie.  As much as I do love the LotR movies, I nixed that quickly.  I am certainly comfortable being known as a geek, but not a role-playing, theme party dressing geek.  Not that there's anything wrong with that... it's just not for me.  Or my wallet, as those costumes are expensive and having to pay for 5 people to get them is just not in the budget.  Wait... no!  It's because I am not that big of a geek.  Not because it's expensive.  I didn't mean that! 

And yes, I am fully aware that I have not yet put Conor's birthday party on here... don't you guys know me well enough by now? 

1 comment:

Barb said...

ok. It's official. It is wierd at your house!!