I finally was able to get the pictures on my computer just to find that the site (blogger) was having problems for a while, so it took even longer to upload them here. We left for Vermont on Friday night, September 29th, at 11PM. The kids were all sleeping in the back and Mom tried to sleep back there too, although I don't think she slept very well. I dozed off a little in the passenger seat. We switched to my driving at about 3:30 AM and Jeff got in the back to sleep. Mom came up front and kept me company. We stopped for breakfast at about 9ish, then I was able to go to the back to sleep a little more. It was a very long drive to Vermont and we wanted the kids to sleep through most of it. We got to where we were going (Weston, VT) around 5PM. There were no Holiday Inns, Marriotts, or any other type of chain hotels in the area, they were all Bed and Breakfasts. The scenery was beautiful, but it did rain the majority of the time we were there.

Here is the Bed and Breakfast we stayed at on our first night in Vermont. We did not have any reservations anywhere and were lucky to find this place had room for all 6 of us. We stopped at another place originally and they were full but were nice enough to call around to the other places to find us 2 rooms. The Swiss Inn is owned by a husband and wife team and the husband was a huge Eagles fan. I was wearing my Packers shirt and of course the Eagles and Packers were playing against each other the following Monday night. He gave me some good-natured ribbing about my shirt, something about charging us double had he been the one to check us in. I didn't see the game, but I believe the Eagles won.

The rooms were not next to each other, Mom and the girls stayed in the 1st room on the left. Jeff, Conor and I stayed in one of the last rooms to the right - I don't think our room is visible in this picture.

The kids all wanted their picture taken with the big stuffed moose in one of the stores we went to. Above is Allie, below is Ceara, and then Conor.

This is Conor sitting on a rock ledge at the Bed and Breakfast.

Here is my Mom, posing in front of one of her favorite stores -
The Vermont Country Store. She orders from their catalogue all the time. She was very excited to get to visit in person. The store is huge - 3 buildings all together. We did not get to shop on the first day that we arrived as the store closed at 5Pm, so we checked into our rooms and freshened up, then headed out for dinner. After dinner we were all tired and we headed back to the hotel to get a good nights sleep for the next day's plans.
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