While walking down a grassy hill, my foot slid forward and I fell on my knees - what fun! :) So the knees of my jeans were caked with mud. Through the mud, rain, and coldness, I still managed to take some pictures. I tried very hard to keep my camera as dry as I could.

Conor with his newly achieved wink. ;) We all piled in the van after we ate, the kids changed into their pjs because they were all soaked and it was easy for them to change. The kids cuddled up in the back - took naps and watched movies on the DVD player. We had thought that we would get home around 9ish that evening, but it ended up being more like 10:30. I dropped Jeff and the kids off at home and took my mom home because the girls wanted to get everything ready for school the next day. We had wanted them to only have to miss 3 days, but since we got home so late on Wednesday night, we told them they could sleep in and go 1/2 day or just take the day off. They both wanted to go to school, though, and they got all their things ready and went to bed. Can you imagine? Permission to stay home and they both chose to go... wow, that is dedication. Two really good students, craving knowledge. Awwww... I'm proud of them!
Or, wait a minute.... maybe they were just trying to get away from us - they had their fill of being in our company for 5 1/2 days straight with no break (they didn't have their own rooms to go and hide in). Or, they didn't want to help clean up the van and do laundry from the trip. Hmmmm... I'm still proud of them. :)
OK, that's it! That is all the pictures and stories from our trip! :) I probably forgot to tell some of the stories - but - my memory isn't THAT good. I should have written it down sooner so I wouldn't have to stretch my memory to remember what I did. Because I distinctly remember laughing at something Jeff did or said that he didn't want me to tell anyone... I remember telling him that I was going to put it in my blog and he didn't want me to... but I don't remember what it was. :(
Oh, well. Maybe I will remember at another time, or... and I'm sure this will happen ... Jeff will do something else funny to give me material for my blog. :)
I read it Katie! I love looking at your pics and keeping up to date with all of you. Looks like you all had an awesome time!
Another fun Blog!! Love the memories and the beautiful pictures. Of course my favorite is the one of Conor winking! What a hoot!!
love to all of you and glad you made it home safely!
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