While seated at the table, every time the server passed us Conor would say, "Ummmm" and the server would stop to see if he wanted something. He never wanted anything more than to just tell her whatever had popped into his head at the moment. He told her about Carley (his little girlfriend at his babysitter's house) and about various odd things. She was always nice and listened, but she was also busy. The owner (the husband) stopped by and offered to take Conor on a tour of the kitchen.
We all left the dining area full. We packed up the van with all of our things and headed back to the Vermont Country Store to shop. We were among the first ones there, but it got crowded rather quick. We spent a very long time looking at all they had for sale. They had a lot of old fashioned toys that Conor enjoyed looking at. They had food to sample - cheese, meats, candy, and lots of other things. Allie and Ceara both got two huge jaw-breakers, which, as you can see below, Allie got all over her face and nose.

This time the drive wasn't so bad - I think it took maybe 4 hours. OK, maybe that isn't such a short little drive, but compared to the day before, it was a piece of cake!
Check in time at the hotel was not until 2 PM - just a normal run of the mill chain hotel this time - and we arrived a bit too early. We were able to get our keys, but they said the room was not ready, so we went across the street for lunch. There was a neat little diner next door called Al's French Frys where we got some burgers and fries, what else? :) Below is a picture of Mom, Allie and Ceara sitting in their booth at Al's.
We got into the hotel and pretty much just hung out there the rest of the day. Everyone had homework to work on, the teachers at the girls' schools had sent them some work to do and Jeff had some due too. Our room was on the 2nd floor, and the window was directly over the entrance to the hotel. So, Conor spent a lot of time at the window talking to the people walking in below. He would yell down to them, "Hey, what's your name?" and most would stop and have a short conversation with him.
We all took naps, everyone was tired. We walked to a nearby grocery store and got a few snacks and drinks for the room and walked back over to Al's to get dinner, too. It was raining and we knew we had a lot of plans for the next day, so we were all content not to try to fit anything in that night.
It was rainy and dreary most of the time we were in Vermont. Although it was still beautiful, it was hard to get pictures of any of the scenery - most of my pictures are through the window of the van while Jeff was driving. There were a few showings of the sun, but not many. The below pictures were taken from the van on the drive from Weston to Burlington.
Oh, OK - I guess you can see by the date of the last picture that this one was taken the day before, but it was still taken from the van during a drive! :)
I have a TON of pictures for Monday. Monday was a very busy day for us. So, stay tuned for Day 3...
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