OK, so my "work bud" is dabbling in the area of photography and took the below pictures of his daughter in his home. He said he had to prove to his wife that the cost of the camera he bought was justified because they could now take pictures themselves instead of going to a local professional to get them taken. This way, clothing changes are not extra, different poses are not extra, and you don't have to pick just one or two poses! If he didn't live so far away I would hire him to come to my house to take pictures of my kids!
I'm sure it only helps his case that his subject is so beautiful! :) He took several shots, but I only am posting 3 of my favorites.

The one below is one of my favorites because it is so natural,
and because I know the story behind why she is laughing! Seems the picture was, um, not a planned one.. her daddy tripped over the tri-pod and accidentally snapped the picture. An excellent picture at that! If that shot doesn't convince his wife, I don't know what would! That a camera would take such a good shot with an "accidental" push of the button... well, I think it speaks for itself! heehee, sorry w-b, I had to tell it! :)

Anyway, to get to the point of this post... w-b liked one of my pictures on my blog so well, that he made a change to it and sent it to me as a black and white picture. I agree - it does look good in black and white, too! I think I like it better in black and white... What do you think?

I am going to have to start posting some really controversial subjects to get people fired up enough to want to comment. Hmmmm... that might be fun. Since I know you all, lets see if I know how to push your buttons...
Thank You, Misty, for commenting on Day 5! :)
I've got a controversial topic for ya! With Thanksgiving right around the corner...my family always has ham instead of turkey...haha! We just prefer pig over bird. And you don't have to worry about that pesky tryptophan kicking in after the meal causing everyone to need a nap!
MOTTO: Boycott Turkey, eat a pig this Thanksgiving!
Wow....those pictures are fantastic!!! I love the backdrop he has and the poses look professional. I should get my sister-in-law in on this since they have 3 boys under the age of 8 and in addition to school photos, wind up having professional pictures also taken at Sears or wherever for holidays, etc.
You're right about his subject though - cute little girl!!!
You're welcom! I am glad that you decided to post again :)
The post above was me and I promise that I can really spell! For some reason, my computer didn't want to cooperate during that post!
She's a cutie! Love the giggles one, she has amazing eyes!
Of course there's a pretty cute little boy on your blog too! I love his intensity toward those birds, reminds me of a story about his dad when he was the same age. He found an empty bird nest and went around with it all day trying to entice the birds to accept their new home! It was so funny and heartbreaking at the same time! Poor Jeff!
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