Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July Activities

For my birthday, we went to see Annie at the La Comedia Dinner Theatre.  The girls loved it.  Lily was very impressed by it.  Rylee loved it as well, but was tired and got a little antsy after intermission.  Overall it was a great night and everyone had fun.  

We had 8 people - Conor, Camryn, Ceara, Mom, Lily, Rylee, Jeff, and myself.

Everyone had a great time.

The girls both got the special raspberry milkshakes that Pops picked for them, he figured they wouldn't eat them all and he would have their leftovers. 

They both completely finished them and he had to settle for getting a raspberry icecream from the grocery store a few nights later.  

We had a storm come through and knock down 5 trees into our yard - this one was an oak tree that was up-rooted.  

Lily loves it when Ceara brings Carter and hangs out with us on Friday nights.  She spends the whole time playing with Carter.  

Ceara is teaching Carter to high-five.  <3 p="">

Rylee always wants to sit next to Camryn.

Lily chilling out on the floor, watching TV.

One weekend, Lily got to stay an extra night and she made cookies at Mimi's.

They were yummy!

Sitting on the front porch is always fun and relaxing.

We went to visit Molly and Lily played with all the dogs there.  

Austin got a new pup and had him over visiting as well - Ozzy.

There were soccer tournaments in Yellow Springs - Camryn and Ahmad went with us.  The Friday games were rained out, so we went to a local pizza place for lunch.

Saturday games had some scary clouds, but they still got to play.

On Sunday, we had a 3 hour break between games, so we visited Young's Dairy Farm.

The kids ate, then we wandered about.

Andy, Missy, and Grant were there as well.  Missy and Camryn raced down the big slide, you can watch the video to see who won.  ;)

Camryn plays softball, so she wanted to try out the batting cages.  

Then back to soccer.  

Carter turned 7 months this month - picture stolen from Ceara.  

The girls doing crafts on the back deck.

Rylee made a popsicle,

Lily did a free hand sculpture of the booty cone. 

She made a piece of pizza, too.  

They took turns riding the pink tractor back and forth in the driveway:

Rylee is a bit of a dare-devil

and she had just a little run in with the gate:

You can see the flower garden in the back of the picture below - it will get bigger.  You'll see next month. 

July was a pretty good month :)  Sunshine.  

Sunday, July 01, 2018

June Fridays with the Grands

Ceara got to keep the girls during the afternoon to evening and take them swimming, so we went to her house to pick them up.  

Carter was fascinated with a video Pops was showing him on his phone.

The girls held hands to go to the car, I thought it was sweet so I tried to take a picture.

Carter came back to our house, too.  I was making cupcakes, but took time out to snuggle with him.

Lily and Rylee eating their typical Saturday morning breakfast.

Then out to pick some berries.

We went to Mason's graduation party (that's what the cupcakes were for) and the girls got to swim.

We went to the farmer's market one Saturday.  Mimi and Camryn went with me - it was just girls as Pops stayed home and Conor was at Soccer.

The Library has a story time on the Kid's Saturday that we watched.  Rylee participated in the little dance.  

The police had a tent there and took pictures of kids.  

They also gave out coloring books - which Rylee is working on below.

The girls loved playing on all the wood that was left after the tree was taken down.

They even got a broom and was sweeping.  Designating certain areas the "living room" and "kitchen".  Rylee even took some toilet paper out and made an area the bathroom.  She was very disappointed that I told her she could not use the bathroom in the wood and I took the toilet paper back to the bathroom.  

Sleepy baby:

Lily didn't come one of the Fridays.  Rylee wanted some Pineapple juice, so we made some.

She slept on the cot in the living room - they take turns and it was Rylee's turn anyway.

Breakfast in "bed" - bacon and fruit, with Pineapple juice to drink.

Rylee's new outfit:

Carter came with mommy to pick Rylee up.  He is such a happy baby.

June he turned 6 months.  He's such a joy.

Lily was here without Rylee again and she wanted to make marshmallow slime - which didn't turn out well.  It was more like play-doh, but she enjoyed making it.