Thursday, August 31, 2006

The dog ate my....

Wow, this week has been long!

On Sunday morning, we decided to take the kids and go canoeing. Allie had a friend stay over, so there were 6 of us and we got 2 canoes. The girls were in one canoe; Jeff, Conor, and I were in the second canoe. It was a lot of fun. We managed to stay afloat the whole 6 miles (we took the short one so it wouldn't be too hard on anyone), no one tipped over at all. Of course we did get wet - we splashed each other using the paddles and did stop to swim in a couple of spots.

Towards the end of our trip it began to rain, but not too badly. We were all starving by the time we got back to the car, but none of us were fit to go to a restaurant (wet and dirty), so I called on the way home to have pizza delivered.

After a hot shower and some pizza, I was extremely tired, so I took a nap. We had a pretty good day, we all laughed and had fun.

But then came Monday...

To begin with, I had been asked to make a cake for a wedding shower that was happening Tuesday night at 6:30 PM. I still needed a few things for the cake, so I just figured I would go during my lunch hour and get all that I needed to make the cake Monday evening. Since I had been unable to go to the grocery on Sunday (the tiredness...), I went to the grocery first - I only needed a couple of things. After the grocery, I ran to the bakery where I usually buy the box and any decorations for the cakes I make. CLOSED. Great. Now what? The other supplier I usually use is a 40 minute drive North and I don't have time for that.

The Hobby Lobby. I could go there and get the box at least. I doubted they had the sugar bells that I had wanted to get, but I could find something else. It didn't have to be edible, right? So, I went there. It was, of course, in the opposite direction of my work and my time was running out for lunch. Heading towards the highway, I pass a lot of semi trucks going through town. Strange. Then when I got to the highway, I knew why. North-bound traffic was at a stand still. So, I had to take the back roads, no big deal. When I got to St Rt 741 it, too, was at a stand still. It took me forever to get through the traffic. I then went onto the store and rushed through, getting what I needed. Yes, I was a little late getting back to the office, but it was not a big deal.

I stayed a little late to make up for the long lunch, and when I went to leave the office, I turned right to find myself stuck in traffic again. Grrrrr... I turned on a side road, turned around and went the other way. It was a little longer, but I did not want to sit in traffic again!

Since it was "Grand-Dad's night" I did not have to pick Conor up from the sitter's, so I went home and began making the cakes. One chocolate, one white. After both were done, I had them on cooling racks at the back of the kitchen counter and I went to do some other things. Giving them plenty of time to cool, figuring the decorating wouldn't take too long, I went back to start working on them a little later to find that they were both 1/2 gone. Zeus had propped himself up on the counter and helped himself to both the cakes! I was livid. I couldn't believe it! I yelled at Zeus and put him in his cage. I then had to re-make both cakes (thank goodness I had all the ingredients) and wait for them to cool again.

After they cooled, I kept telling myself that I would just put the base coat icing on it and decorate it the following day during my lunch hour. Then I figured I would just do the edges. Then I just decided to finish it. I did not want to risk not getting it done and I wouldn't have time to do it after work since they needed it there at 6PM and I didn't leave work until 5PM. I ran out of icing before I was done and had to make more, so I am glad that I found that out Monday night and not Tuesday afternoon.

I finished it around 2AM. I put the cake in the box and put it on the table. I figured since Zeus was in his cage for the night there wasn't much risk. I also taped the box closed and put a note on it that said, "Do not attempt to move or look at this cake!"

I envisioned either Jeff or one of the girls wanting to look at it and not noticing the tape. Somehow it would get messed up again. I did not want to get out of bed on Tuesday, but I managed to. I moved the cake from the table to the washing machine and closed the door to the laundry room. I left the note on top of it in case the girls decided to do laundry (yeah, I was thinking of any unreasonable thing that could happen!), so they wouldn't move it.

I even called them right when they got home from school to let them know not to touch the cake and not to leave the laundry room door open for any reason. I was being extremely paranoid about it.

I had a horrible headache all day (lack of sleep possibly) and it was not helped by the fact that I had to go to the dentist during my lunch hour. Even though I know I am doing it, any time I go to the dentist the back of my head always hurts because I spend the entire time there pushing my head into the back of the chair, trying so very hard to get away from him... even though I went there willingly, and I know I cannot escape him... I still do it.

Needless to say, the cake survived the day. I went home after work, got the kids and the cake, and went off to the shower. So, the second round of cakes made it to the shower. It was only Tuesday night and it felt like the week should be over.

I am still mad at Zeus though. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey! All this talk about cake and no picture posted of it? Bummer! If we can't have a taste, the least you could have done would be to tempt our taste buds visually!

Katie said...

After all that, I did not even take a picture of the cake... lol :)

Katie said...

By the way... thanks for the comment, it's good to know that someone still reads this. :)